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字数:3451字 发布时间:2023-05-13 浏览数:0


  On English Translation of TCM Four-character Phrases from the Perspective of Skopostheorie

  — a Study Based on the Case of Suwen of Huangdi Neijing


  Supervisor: (Professor)Li Shuai

  A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements

  for the Degree of BA in English(medicine-oriented) at Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  March, 20xx

  Rationale and Significance

  Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the essential constituent of Chinese traditional culture treasure. The TCM literature translation not only is helpful to the further development of TCM in the world scope, also is the important content in cultural exchange between China and west. Abstract Four-character phrase originally was an important pattern of manifestation of Chinese classical language. Though the Chinese classical language has been replaced by vernacular Chinese for nearly one century, four-character phrase is still used in vernacular Chinese, which shows its important position in both ancient and modern Chinese. Ancient medical literature and TCM terms also have a large proportion of four-word phrases. So research on translation of four-character TCM terms is very necessary. A good translation of them could decide the quality of TCM translation more or less. So we need a further study on translation strategies of TCM four-character phrases。

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